Thursday, 4 June 2015


Another week has gone by and another busy time in my life. For some one who is unable to work it sure seems like at times my life is non stop and there is not enough days in the week. However expecting things to calm down now due to University finishing, although there is still the October event to try and organise.

Final exam over with so now the waiting begins for the results. Seems that this month is going to be all about waiting. Did find out that I passed my media piece for Psychology in the media so it looks like that module is in the bag. We do not find out about the others till the beginning of July. Was a bit disappointed with how the last exam was handled to be honest. As part of the help from University I was supposed to be put in a room on my own with my own invigilator, flash drive. PC use, my support worker to scribe if necessary and extra time. Yes I had my own Pc and invigilator but was put in a room with 4 other people. As you may imagine this made it difficult to scribe to my support worker if needed as I would disturb others and they would hear my answers ! Yes I was given my own invigilator but this seemed pointless as they had one in as well for the other 4 people. The multiple choice questions they wanted us to write the answers down which negated the point of having the PC as typing is a lot easier then hand writing for me. To top it all off I had to point out to the invigilator that I qualified for the extra time. Fingers crossed though that this has not impacted on my results. Also found out that not only can I take books out for 4 weeks if they are a week loan but if I take them in to the campus to be renewed instead of on line then instead of renewal for one week I get it for another 4 weeks. Handy to know for next year.
With the summer holidays now here for me this has enabled me to concentrate more on my reading for pleasure and building up the Psych Twins. So watch this space. Although it is so frustrating trying  to get celebs to attend this event but will keep being a grade A stalker in order to get the attention this cause needs.

Tylers birthday went really well. Tyler as I may have mentioned before has ASD and it is mainly a sensory thing. We got a friend of ours to make him a plant vs zombie cake and his reaction was priceless and so unexpected. He sobbed in my arms with happiness! For those people who do not know anything about children with ASD, showing signs of emotion is very rare and for some never happens. So now you can see why this is such a big thing ! Put the cake on twitter and was pleasantly surprised to get responses from POPCAP the game creators and the artists of the game wishing Tyler a happy birthday

. To say this made is day more then anything was an understatement.

Had some fun being a poster child for the college. Went off to Bede College on Tuesday to do a photo shoot and interview with their marketing department. Looking forward to see if they use any of the material. As long as I don't end up on the back of a bus.

The big day came for the PIP review with ATOS. The woman who we saw was nice and she was a general nurse, fair enough of hematology but at least she was a nurse. After answering a lot of questions, some of which where quite degrading to answer and de moralizing, and having to explain in more detail what I had put on my form she finished with asking me a very bizarre question . If I had any pets? Still trying to work out how this is relevant . Answers / suggestions would be appreciated. After being told on the letter that I needed to take all my meds and aids with me (which I could not take all of them btw), Was told that she did not need to see them, Nothing was asked of night time care. She wanted to know if I could make a meal for my self and use the microwave, but not interested that it could only be done if some one else brought the stuff out of the fridge/freezer or cupboards and then carried things through for me or that if using the microwave I could put something in but not take it out again, and again needed some one else to bring the stuff from the fridge/freezer for me. After about an hour of questions she then asked me to move my arms in various ways and grip with my hands. Then it was over. Now I have about 8 weeks to wait to find out if I get to keep my DLA or not. Not that that is going to stress me out AT ALL.

So what next? Well try and relax. HA. Work on The Psych Twins website some more and getting things organised for his event in October. Read for pleasure, although I will be making a head start on next years university reading after I get my results and know I have passed.

 And keep working on my dreams. These are passing this degree, doing a counselling course then off to Teeside to study for my Doctorate in Psychology and counselling for practicing CBT.

I like to dream big.

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